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Club de Ajedrez San Rafael - Apertura Segunda Categoria 2023

Last update 24.04.2023 06:20:21, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Mendocina de Ajedrez - F.M.A

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Starting rank list

1Carabajal, CarlosARG1701
2Friedl, FedericoARG1576
3Salomon, MatiasARG1552
4Alfonso, RubenARG1543
5Morales, JesicaARG1541
6Perez, RaulARG1534
7Martinez, DemianARG1527
8Balderrama, EnzoARG1509
9Rodriguez, AldoARG1501
10Barros, RocioARG1484
11Vega, CalebARG1470
12Rodriguez, Juan DiegoARG1313