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Elichess 2023 April Rapid Open

Last update 01.04.2023 21:00:13, Creator/Last Upload: Ghana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Maraite, Gregory260479BEL2040
2Adu-Poku, Kwabena12600598GHA1892
3Anhwere, Bernard12600580GHA1790
4AIMOnuoha, Wilson12602213GHA1746
5Kpodo, Evans Mawuko12600458GHA1657
6Aikins, Dwamena Akenten12601322GHA1537
7Frempong-Smart, Daniel12601659GHA1508
8Angua-Mante, Godfrey357093760FID1420
9Amankona-Diawuo, Felix Kwabena12602914GHA1351
10Shah, MeelapGHA0