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Esfahan Nowrooz to Ramadan Open Blitz Cup

Last update 31.03.2023 08:18:26, Creator/Last Upload: Akhgar + Shohreh Mohammad + Shayan

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Kiani Harchegani Mohammadhossein1779 41w1 42b1 19w1 4w0 15b1 3w1 17b1 2w1 6b18150,5437
2Etemadi Ariyan1841 27w1 12b1 7w1 17b1 13w1 4w1 6b1 1b0 8w18054446,5
3Alizadegan Korosh1645 39w1 14b1 35w1 6b0 36w1 1b0 10w1 5b1 4w17151,5436
4Koohi Reza1940 21w1 32b1 5w1 1b1 6w1 2b0 14b1 17w1 3b07055444
5Tavakoli Amirmohammad1722 60w+ 31w1 4b0 30b½ 7w1 13b1 11w1 3w0 23b16,5049,5394,5
6Abdi Mohamad1816 18b1 16w1 15b1 3w1 4b0 11w1 2w0 9b1 1w06058432,5
7Yousefian Maedeh1602 54b1 9w1 2b0 18w1 5b0 31w1 12w1 8b0 13b16051414
8Bayati Kambiz1609 46b1 28w0 21b1 31w1 9b1 17w0 20b1 7w1 2b06047,5404,5
9Haji Arismani Mohammad Taha1343 34w1 7b0 48w1 10b1 8w0 32b1 35w1 6w0 20b16045,5403,5
10Abbaspour Dehaghani Mohammadhosein1565 53b1 36w0 22b1 9w0 28b1 21w1 3b0 33w1 18b16043,5386,5
11Mashhadi Fatemeh1607 59w1 13b½ 55w1 26b1 35w1 6b0 5b0 18w½ 19b16042,5406
12Jafari Ghourtani Arash1478 57b1 2w0 33b1 35b0 41w1 22w1 7b0 36w1 17b16042,5403
13Khalouei Koupaei Arya1359 51b1 11w½ 23b1 28w1 2b0 5w0 37b1 26b1 7w05,5047394
14Babaei Mohammad Shayan1395 50b1 3w0 43b1 20w½ 25b1 26b1 4w0 19w½ 16b½5,5044,5386,5
15Hajian Mehrbod1567 37w1 48b1 6w0 19b1 1w0 27b½ 18w0 29b1 26w15,5044403,5
16Tanavar Mohammadreza1491 29w1 6b0 41w1 38b1 17w0 36b0 39w1 30b1 14w½5,5041400
17Mosavar Reza1749 38w1 30b1 36w1 2w0 16b1 8b1 1w0 4b0 12w05053416,5
18Ghanbari Ali1179 6w0 29b1 32w1 7b0 19w½ 25w1 15b1 11b½ 10w05048,5401,5
19Koohi Mahan1407 49w1 55b1 1b0 15w0 18b½ 54w1 27w1 14b½ 11w05045,5382
20Eydivandi Haman1533 40w1 35b0 27w1 14b½ 30w½ 29b1 8w0 22b1 9w05045386,5
21Abbaspour Dehaghani Mahdi1322 4b0 47w1 8w0 44b1 39w1 10b0 23b0 40w1 36b15043370,5
22Kakoee Parham1310 35w0 40b1 10w0 48b1 55w1 12b0 32w1 20w0 37b15041367
23Nasiri Hamid Reza1719 36b0 53w1 13w0 40b1 27w0 44b1 21w1 24b1 5w05040365,5
24Danesh Kianoosh1473 44w1 26b0 38w0 29b0 42w1 40b1 41w1 23w0 27b15037350
25Fatemi Arsham1458 48w0 37b½ 56w1 34b1 14w0 18b0 28w½ 39b1 38w15036350,5
26Aghababaee Asghar1767 33b1 24w1 28b½ 11w0 54b1 14w0 36b1 13w0 15b04,5044,5380,5
27Vahabi Hamid1229 2b0 57w1 20b0 50w1 23b1 15w½ 19b0 31w1 24w04,5042367
28Zarei Mohammadtaha1358 43w1 8b1 26w½ 13b0 10w0 37b0 25b½ 46w½ 47b14,5041357
29Karimi Mohamadtaha0 16b0 18w0 52b1 24w1 34b1 20w0 31b½ 15w0 45b14,5041354
30Hooshyar Pedram1417 52b1 17w0 51b1 5w½ 20b½ 35b0 38w1 16w0 33b½4,5040,5376,5
31Saraf Nia Ardalan1369 56w1 5b0 39w1 8b0 38w1 7b0 29w½ 27b0 43b14,5040374,5
32Samimi Rasoul1496 47b1 4w0 18b0 57w1 33b1 9w0 22b0 37w½ 46b14,5040359,5
33Vakili Masiha1146 26w0 44b1 12w0 56b1 32w0 49b1 42w1 10b0 30w½4,5037,5346
34Pahlevansadegh Hossein1990 9b0 54w½ 46b1 25w0 29w0 42b0 49w1 58b1 41w14,5035328
35Nazemi Pedram1880 22b1 20w1 3b0 12w1 11b0 30w1 9b0 -0 -04050308,5
36Kamani Ali1061 23w1 10b1 17b0 45w1 3b0 16w1 26w0 12b0 21w04047,5391,5
37Ebrahimo Rasool0 15b0 25w½ 54b0 53w1 45b1 28w1 13w0 32b½ 22w04040352
38Torabi Arman1124 17b0 52w1 24b1 16w0 31b0 43w1 30b0 51w1 25b04038345,5
39Adhami Ghasem1029 3b0 50w1 31b0 43w1 21b0 56w1 16b0 25w0 51b14037,5343,5
40Hendi Abolfazl0 20b0 22w0 58b1 23w0 50b1 24w0 56b1 21b0 49w14034,5329
41Momeni Koupaei Mohammad1167 1b0 58w1 16b0 51w1 12b0 52w1 24b0 47w½ 34b03,5040325
42Karim Panah Majid1469 58b1 1w0 45b½ 54w0 24b0 34w1 33b0 43w0 57w13,5036322
43Torkian Arman0 28b0 -1 14w0 39b0 48w1 38b0 44w½ 42b1 31w03,5035,5309
44Morshedi Mahdi0 24b0 33w0 53b1 21w0 51b1 23w0 43b½ 45w0 50b13,5034320,5
45Kolahdozan Arian1122 55w0 49b1 42w½ 36b0 37w0 46b0 53w1 44b1 29w03,5032,5332
46Bakhshi Mohamadhosein0 8w0 56b0 34w0 49b0 59w1 45w1 52b1 28b½ 32w03,5032317
47Kanani Behrad0 32w0 21b0 49w1 55b0 52w0 59b1 50w1 41b½ 28w03,5031323
48Nasiri Mohammad Reza0 25b1 15w0 9b0 22w0 43b0 57w1 51b0 50w0 -13033,5299,5
49Saeidi Farzad0 19b0 45w0 47b0 46w1 57b1 33w0 34b0 52w1 40b03032,5308
50Saeidi Mehdi0 14w0 39b0 -1 27b0 40w0 58w1 47b0 48b1 44w03032,5287
51Tadayyonfar Rusteen0 13w0 59b1 30w0 41b0 44w0 53b1 48w1 38b0 39w03031,5326,5
52Nasrollahi Arya0 30w0 38b0 29w0 -1 47b1 41b0 46w0 49b0 56w13031292
53Gharazi Amir Ali0 10w0 23b0 44w0 37b0 -1 51w0 45b0 56b1 58w13031284
54Dehghan Bahman0 7w0 34b½ 37w1 42b1 26w0 19b0 -0 -0 -02,5039,5252
55Vagoohian Ramila1730 45b1 19w0 11b0 47w1 22b0 -0 -0 -0 -02038192,5
56Tadayyonfar Adel0 31b0 46w1 25b0 33w0 58b1 39b0 40w0 53w0 52b02032,5305
57Khalaghizadeh Mahvash0 12w0 27b0 59w1 32b0 49w0 48b0 58w0 -1 42b02029281,5
58Nasaji Ahmad0 42w0 41b0 40w0 59b1 56w0 50b0 57b1 34w0 53b02025,5295,5
59Besharat Far Seyed Borna0 11b0 51w0 57b0 58w0 46b0 47w0 -1 -0 -01025196
60Mohammad Beigi Parsa1088 5b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002749,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable