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Danish Championsship 2023 - Master Group

Last update 10.04.2023 10:33:32, Creator/Last Upload: TrekantensSkak

Starting rank list of players

8GMBjerre, Jonas Buhl1444948DEN2608
7GMRasmussen, Allan Stig1406000DEN2525
6GMThybo, Jesper Sondergaard1438832DEN2509
10GMSchandorff, Lars1400070DEN2476
2GMChatalbashev, Boris2900440DEN2472
4GMAagaard, Jacob1401815DEN2448
5IMOlsen, Filip Boe1440640DEN2429
1IMBorge, Nikolaj1400312DEN2391
9IMHaubro, Martin1414291DEN2385
3FMNielsen, Viktor Haarmark1444492DEN2350