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Turnaj sv. Jana Nepomuckého (3. ročník) – turnaj B

Last update 11.09.2023 15:57:46, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of the Czech Republic

Starting rank list of players

9Vilimek, Vit23718218CZE2114SK Line
4Pokrupa, Marek307386CZE2093Cesky lev Kolesovice-sachovy klub
8Reischig, Tomas307505CZE2039SSK Hermanova Hut/TJ DIOSS Nyrany
5Turner, Radek321214CZE2017SK Line
3Eretova, Jana303380CZE1979TJ Spartak Kutna Hora
1Hrdlica, Pavel391514CZE1951SK Sokol Klatovy
6Blumel, Otto303852CZE1884Klub sachistu Ricany 1925
7Docekalova, Alexandra325600CZE1838Oddil sachu Sportovního klubu Prost
2Zednik, Zdenek326321CZE1822TJ Sokol Postrekov