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Turnaj sv. Jana Nepomuckého (3. ročník) – turnaj A

Last update 11.09.2023 15:57:38, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of the Czech Republic

Starting rank list of players

9GMLechtynsky, Jiri300217CZE2312DDM Praha 6
7IMPriehoda, Vitezslav14900122CZE2254SK Joly Lysa Nad Labem, Z.S.
4IMJurek, Josef300993CZE2253SK Sokol Vysehrad
1FMBrejnik, Gustav362662CZE2224Slavia Kromeriz
8Soural, Jan311928CZE2210TJ Pankrac
5Flajsman, Pavel391476CZE2187SK Dvorec
2Perkampus, Laurin16232283GER2144Offerspill Sjaakklubb
3Spirik, Jiri301060CZE2143SK Dvorec
10Kopriva, Martin357740CZE2129SK Dvorec
6Novy, Martin325155CZE2104SK Duras BVK