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2023 SAJCCC U10 Girls

Darrera actualització04.04.2023 14:11:38, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Petronella Piek

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Rànquing inicial

1Naidoo, Danika2140144151109801098
2Nell, Chelsea2130133065143474749600960
3Yang, Selina21301065949110911
4Papanicolaou, Mila21301307318700870
5Roberts, Frans-Leigh2140135776143587518590859
6Van Der Schyff, Mila-Ne2140135386143588088380838
7Loots, Mia2140133853143507187630763
8Du Toit, Mine21301373957610761
9Monare, Oreratile21401367696830683
10Prinsloo, Veronique21401351506690669
11Shi, Peiqi21401456255790579
12Loubser, Lara21301196285760576
13Rossouw, Lience11401414075070507