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2023 SAJCCC U08 Girls

Darrera actualització04.04.2023 14:11:15, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Petronella Piek

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Rànquing inicial

1Exarchos, Isabella21501367537520752
2Conradie, Ingrid2150137653143644687340734
3Kgame, Onalenna21501440667280728
4Vermaak, Alri21501374237020702
5Conradie, Minka21601348946930693
6Van Zyl, Sanli21501430356820682
7Maphoso, Boithabiso21501347735280528
8Le Kay, Alexa2150135551143531645210521
9Steyn, Mari-Louise21501349025120512
10Gerber, Zoe21601438095000500
11Kleijnhans, Mila21501358935000500
12Wong, Kayla21501480825000500