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2023 Eswatini National Chess Championships Open Section

Last update 02.04.2023 19:31:06, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

Starting rank list of players

1CMHlophe, SmiloSWZ1742
2CMSihlongonyane, SikhanyisoSWZ1664
3Mabuza, MbongeniSWZ1599
4Nxumalo, VuyoSWZ1546
5Simelane, WandileSWZ1521
6Matsebula, QinisoSWZ1386
7Mtsetfwa, PhilaniSWZ1356
8Mziyako, SobhiSWZ1342
9Mdluli, MlondiSWZ1029
10Mkhwanazi, MlamuliSWZ0