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Venue: St Columba's College, King Harry Lane, St Albans AL3 4AW
Car Park: FREE 200+ Spaces

Entry Fee: £35 (ECF Silver/Gold/Platinum Member), £44 (ECF Bronze Member & Unregistered Players)
Prizes: 1st £320, 2nd £160, 3rd £80, Rating (u1800) £80

Cafeteria: Cooked Breakfast from 9.00 am, Lunch from 12.00 noon
Bookstall: Chess & Bridge (
Analysis Room

St Albans Congress: ECF 1900 Major

Last update 23.04.2023 19:21:45, Creator/Last Upload: hsca

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Starting rank

1Faulkner, David1013431894s65Welwyn Hatfield Chess Forum
2Cawston, M John1048061875Ye Olde Starre Inne
3Bovtramovics, Vladimirs2830751873Kingston
4Murrell, Mark1160121873Wanstead
5Taylor, Alistair2710751871Watford
6Shek, Daniel3006611866u14Crowthorne
7Vora, Samir1738321855Luton
8O'Shea, Colm3031141852Pimlico
9Billenness, Greg2661801851Hammersmith
10Blewitt, Stephen1068931844s65Hastings & St Leonards
11Kelly, Paul J1305371842s65Hastings
12Hotala, Grzegorz3423031838St Albans
13Gaffney, Samuel2521771837Lowestoft
14Finnegan, Oliver1224531831British Bangla Chess Association
15Gardner, Phillip1110641826s65London Deaf
16Nelson, Stuart1853081825Braintree
17Tomlinson, Zak3164001821Barnby Dun
18Yu, Rock3265191821u14Barnet Juniors
19Walton, Paul3024781816Royston
20Dean, Robert1095331808Saltaire
21Ball, Matthew3159641807St Albans
22Swiatkowski, Aram3270391806Medway
23Jones, Tim3199811804New Milton
24Willoughby, Christopher2979751801Brentwood
25Harper, Vivian1054391798DHSS
26Du Boulay, Andrew1098861790Hertford
27Colter, Nigel1086701781s65Uxbridge
28Baguley, John2942221770s65St Albans
29Swiegers, Francois2945151767Stevenage
30Parsons, Robert1639581766Hatch End
31Lataille, Matthias2820551759Wanstead
32Willoughby, Andrew3063791759Brentwood
33Fitzgerald, Patrick1946761757Stevenage
34Wallman, Martin2335121753Camberley
35Little, Cameron2451641749Welwyn Hatfield Chess Forum
36Cole, David3011881745Surbiton
37Page, Thomas3226921725Barnet Knights
38Cole, Graham2815961724Cowley
39Wong, Finsen3468931699Buckinghamshire*
40Hayes, Callum2755301619Beckenham & Bromley
41Gohil, Aryan3069381387u14Newham
42Eichner, Eli01275USA