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2023 Welsh U14 Champ

Last update 26.03.2023 16:55:39, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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Starting rank

1Sharhorodsky, Yaroslav34163913WLS1686
2Davies, Tom1804880WLS1620
3Kong, Emma Zihan1805940WLS1403
4Belochkin, David1806220WLS1251
5Prabhu, Vismith1806475WLS1206
6Anandkumar, Govind1805690WLS1197
7Foulkes, Morgan1806545WLS1197
8Cuminsky, Oliver1807080WLS1112
9Ramzan, Timur1805630WLS1098
10Hanczar, Csege1805770WLS1029
11Hanczar, Csombor1805762WLS937
12Francis, William1087099WLS0