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Regional Nacionales CONADE. Reg. 5. "Sub-16". Femenil.Posledná aktualizácia 27.03.2023 00:34:06, Creator/Last Upload: IA FERNANDO CORTINA MONTES
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Huerta Osorno, Erin | 5128129 | MEX | 1586 | Tlx |
2 | | Hernandez Serrano, Erandi | 5166420 | MEX | 1551 | Ver |
3 | | Hurtado Montiel, Citlalli | 5151350 | MEX | 1506 | Hgo |
4 | | Ortega, Teoba Ariadna | 5131928 | MEX | 1500 | Ver |
5 | | Olguin Maturano, Laila Jimena | 5146267 | MEX | 1407 | Hgo |
6 | | Castellanos Miguel, Mariana | 5129648 | MEX | 1382 | Oax |
7 | | Pichon, Meza Ariadna | 5192447 | MEX | 1346 | Pue |
8 | | Morales Vasquez, Miguelina Malinalli | 5197910 | MEX | 1336 | Tlx |
9 | | Ramirez, Cruz Aby Daira | | MEX | 1277 | Oax |
10 | | Robles, Sanchez Naomi | | MEX | 1217 | Pue |