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Regional Nacionales CONADE. Reg. 5. "Sub-14". Varonil.

Last update 27.03.2023 01:14:24, Creator/Last Upload: IA FERNANDO CORTINA MONTES

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Starting rank

1Carrillo Fonseca, Miguel Angel5170877MEX1779Ver
2Gonzalez Sanchez, Ilan SaidMEX1748Oax
3Perez Blanco, Owen Salvador5184746MEX1563Ver
4Maya Rojas, Carlos Daniel5191629MEX1504Hgo
5Bravo Garcia, Sergio Alejandro5180724MEX1496Pue
6Cortes, Guzman Cristobal AndresMEX1468Oax
7Sanchez, Lopez Emiliano5138884MEX1425Tlx
8Solis, Reyes AnthonyMEX1381Hgo
9Solis, Galicia Luis AngelMEX1259Pue
10Moreno, Guzman DiegoMEX1222Tlx