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PE22 - Absoluto

Last update 09.04.2023 23:40:54, Creator/Last Upload: avneraa

Starting rank list of players

1NMMarcelo Wanderley Bouwman2106752BRA21212185
10NMSergio Murilo De Araujo Pereira2117762BRA20942112
3NMRafael Cabral De Souza2124068BRA20752143
6NMErick Feitosa Da Silva2155664BRA20242093
5NMHenrique Jose Morais De Araujo2100347BRA20151994
9NMJose Roberto Araujo2117754BRA20122090
4CMRodrigo Yoshio Ferreir Hiramine2137526BRA19822085
7Marcelo Basilio Nunes2116707BRA19102014
8Hilton Vilarim De Souza Neto2124033BRA18171922
2NMLuiz Henrique De Araujo Alves22785183BRA17081877