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TORNEO HIMNO Y BANDERA 2023 CAT U16 Վերջին արդիացում20.03.2023 04:23:50, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2021)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Villalba Martinez, Paul Andres | 15901335 | ARU | 1381 |
2 | | Zulaga, Salome | | ARU | 1381 |
3 | | Arias, Daniel | | ARU | 1200 |
4 | | Diaz, Tylon | | ARU | 1107 |
5 | | Falconi, Christopher Jacob | | AUT | 1200 |
6 | | Figaroa, Maurice Adriƫl | | ARU | 1200 |
7 | | Karamchandani, Khyati | | ARU | 1200 |
8 | | Karamchandani, Piyush | 15901238 | ARU | 1200 |
9 | | Leal Alvarez, Isabela | | ARU | 1200 |
10 | | Leal Alvarez, William | | ARU | 1200 |
11 | | Montoya Alvarez, Hana | | ARU | 1200 |
12 | | Palm, Kevin Reynaldo Anthony | | ARU | 1200 |
13 | | Rodriguez, Juan Andres | | ARU | 1200 |
14 | | Rohan Seware, Rashad | | ARU | 1200 |
15 | | Van Der Linde, Jeayonsley | 15901351 | ARU | 1200 |
16 | | van Dijk, Matthias | | ARU | 1200 |
17 | | van Vuurden, Stefano Elijah | | ARU | 1200 |
18 | | Sharma, Mohit | | ARU | 1145 |
19 | | Cabral, Sylvi | 15900924 | ARU | 1115 |
20 | | Lockhart, Bryce | 15901262 | ARU | 1010 |
21 | | Montoya Alvarez, Harumi Andres | | ARU | 930 |
22 | | Lockhart, Brooke | 15901254 | ARU | 896 |
23 | | Koolman, Colin Kyle Deniel | | ARU | 765 |
24 | | Montoya, Lui | | ARU | 915 |