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Nacionades CONADE 2023 Region III Categoría 15-16 Años FemenilPosledná aktualizácia 19.03.2023 19:55:24, Creator/Last Upload: IA Enrique Zaragoza
Štartová listina
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | | Diaz Bartolo, Elizabeth Schahrazad | 5154316 | MEX | 1761 | Guanajuato |
2 | | | Velarde Hernandez, Paulina Yunuen | 5147638 | MEX | 1553 | Michoacan |
3 | | | Mendez Guerra, Nubia Preciosa | 5166489 | MEX | 1344 | Nayarit |
4 | | | Chavez, Contreras Jennifer Nicol | 5166365 | MEX | 1306 | Colima |
5 | | | Sanchez, Villegas Camila | | MEX | 1285 | Jalisco |
6 | | | Ramirez, Martinez Abril | 5166519 | MEX | 1261 | Jalisco |
7 | | | Contreras Segovia, Stephanie | | MEX | 0 | Aguascalientes |
8 | | | De la Cruz Verdugo, Lidia Nefertiti | | MEX | 0 | Michoacan |
9 | | | Lopez Bueno, Ursula | | MEX | 0 | Aguascalientes |
10 | | | Montenegro Sotelo, Areli Guadalupe | | MEX | 0 | Guanajuato |
11 | | | Perez, Amezcua Maria Fernanda | 5165946 | MEX | 0 | Colima |
12 | | | Vela, Fonseca Amayrani Jamileth | 5166292 | MEX | 0 | Nayarit |