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Adjarian Chess Championship 2023 B/G - U18

Last update 19.03.2023 11:22:07, Creator/Last Upload: Georgian Chess Clubs

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Starting rank

1Mgeladze, Kesaria13621130GEO1975
2Diasamidze, Lulu13623818GEO1599
3Gogiashvili, Demetre13625888GEO1460
4Zhghenti, Nino13616854GEO1302
5Kedelidze, Aneta13626191GEO1238
6Dolidze, Shota13630687GEO1202
7Kekelidze, Beka13632140GEO0
8Kekelidze, Lana13623214GEO0
9Kekelidze, Nini13635727GEO0
10Partenadze, Mariam13640836GEO0
11Samnidze, Dato13635417GEO0
12Vasadze, Lizi13623257GEO0