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FAMAJ 2023 sub18

Darrera actualització12.03.2023 19:22:47, Creador/Darrera càrrega: AJAX CIDADE NOVA

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Rànquing inicial

1Eduardo, Barbosa Mesquita22757163BRA2036AM
2Alfran, Gomes De Araujo Parente NetoBRA1800AM
3Roberto, Victor Pessoa AlvesBRA1800AM
4Signei, Junio Peres Do NascimentoBRA1800AM
5Welligton, Sousa SoaresBRA1800AM
6Allan, Henrique Pereira LealBRA1779AM
7Guilherme, Cesar Justo Andrade44718136BRA1776AM
8Samuel, Gomes Pereira De Souza44718160BRA1768AM
9Legnar, Silva Rodrigues44718209BRA1765AM
10Luidy, Galucio FogacaBRA1752AM