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89 Bristol Championship U1600 Section

Last update 02.04.2023 19:27:37, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

111Tom Weale1510Bristol & Clifton4,5
21David J Buckell1593Roebuck Utley4
3Stephen M Chadaway1573Olton4
18Lana Boztas1431Coulsdon Chess Club4
48Brandon Russell04
65Luc Gordon1537Weston-Super-Mare3,5
6James Bartram1530Yate & Sodbury3,5
17Kevin D Markey1433Stroud3,5
35Nathan Cave03,5
36Graeme Dalrymple0Bristol *3,5
114Zack Norris1556Wotton Hall3
7Peter Ackland1524Bristol & Clifton3
12Christopher D Peacock1479Devon *3
14James Thomas1454Downend & Fishponds3
16Christine F Constable1437Bude3
22Tony Golding1374North Bristol3
23Alexis Kristoff Malibiran1365Downend & Fishponds3
27Joseph T Fearnhead1293Bournemouth3
28Soumil Saha1271Bristol & Clifton3
42Diana Krautsova0Bristol *3
46Freddie Pick0South Bristol3
2215Richard Barnes1448Bristol & Clifton2,5
24T Klaus Tekniepe1329Plymouth2,5
26Kanagasabai Balasubramaniam1325Horfield & Redland2,5
31Martin Sieber12402,5
34Tom A Calder02,5
43David Lightfoot0Isle of Wight2,5
50Carolus Tang0North Bristol2,5
292Geoff J Ainsley1589Calderdale2
8Michael Jennings1518Horfield & Redland2
9Gabriel Keech1512Frome2
19David M Scorer1408Roebuck Utley2
20Elliott Bleeg1394Bristol & Clifton2
21Philip Burnett1384Bristol Cabot2
25Shaun Walsh1328Downend & Fishponds2
30Hazel Welch1264Seaton2
40Nicholas Hayes0Bristol & Clifton2
41Zoltan Kozma02
49Michael Sillence Davis0Bristol & Clifton2
4013Graham Strickland1460Horfield & Redland1,5
29Roy Whaley1265Bath1,5
39James Harvey0Bristol *1,5
4332Steve Maguire986Wales1
44Bea Miller-Davis01
45Muiz Ul Meeran Mohamed Nasrudeen Meeran0Bath1
47Vasily Pribylov01
4737Alex Fryer00,5
38Philip Geary0Bristol Grendel0,5
4910James Kirk1512Berkshire Junior0
33Alexander Bettany00