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89 Bristol Championship U1900 Section

Sidst opdateret 02.04.2023 19:26:38, Oprettet af/Sidste upload: igord

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Start rangliste

1Colm O'shea3031141852Pimlico
2Rob Mcclatchey1719111840Salisbury
3Richard H Edney2467811835Isle Of Wight *
4Christopher A Levy1793351818Hackney
5Freddie Magee2916271814Bristol University
6Christian K Brown2698171810Bath
7J Andrew Borkowski1070121802Thornbury Bristol
8Mohamed Nasrudeen Meeran Mohammed Sharifdeen3498091794Bath
9Judd Chidwick3436721787Horfield & Redland
10George Lekoudis2740981786Barnstaple
11Chris Carpenter3450651781Herne Bay
12Spencer Lawrence3407371770Wiltshire *
13Samuel Albert Glenn2863501768Bristol University
14Ben Carpenter-Friend3447961764Herne Bay
15Michelle Ngo Yu Chan3415361757St Albans
16Gerard T'hart2957851750Plymouth
17Peter Marks3098131747Horfield & Redland
18Jeremy Gardner1741261746Yate & Sodbury
19Philip J Walters1528771743Carlisle Austin Friars
20Ted Korolchuk3503881734Bristol & Clifton
21Brendan O'gorman1163821727Dhss
22Dale Sibborn2654261726Bishop's Cleeve
23Gwyn Havard2042031717Barry
24Timothy M Jones1139211715Bristol Cabot
25Ben Cooper3520521712Somerset *
26Alastair Jd Marston1149821708Bristol Cabot
27Thomas Ash3424321697Downend & Fishponds
28Emma Salazar Eyre3138901697Gosforth
29Hendrik Wessels3450811675Battersea
30Duncan M Macarthur1741671671Keynsham
31Stephen Williams1709191668Cwmbran
32David B Mcgeeney2901621666Bristol Cabot
33Manel Fernando27578016644ncl The Pitstop
34Mauro Farina1448611659Bath
35Mohit Kamal Karangad3297861646Camberley Junior Chess Club
36Mark G Jones2976611645Armed Forces Ca
37Jonathan Gould2519571640Hanham
38Piotr Zielinski3208431632Horfield & Redland
39Joaquim Luque3498161621Horfield & Redland
40Thomas Brown3500881615Cheltenham (Glo)
41John Belinger2927881603New Milton
42Oleksii Novakov3075571602Bristol Cabot
43Nigel W Morris2318041600Leamington
44Elmira Walker3088491584Downend & Fishponds
45Grant Daly1541231562Downend & Fishponds
46John Constable1701071560Bude
47Arun Broadley3513141557Cirencester
48Conor Newton3140321553Bristol University
49Jason Leroy2333821379North Bristol
50Thomas Merchant3501731375North Bristol
51Michael Sillence Davis3523070Bristol Clifton