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89 Bristol Championship U1900 Section

Last update 02.04.2023 19:26:38, Creator/Last Upload: igord

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

136Mark G Jones1645Armed Forces Ca4,5
214Ben Carpenter-Friend1764Herne Bay4
15Michelle Ngo Yu Chan1757St Albans4
24Timothy M Jones1715Bristol Cabot4
57J Andrew Borkowski1802Thornbury Bristol3,5
23Gwyn Havard1717Barry3,5
35Mohit Kamal Karangad1646Camberley Junior Chess Club3,5
43Nigel W Morris1600Leamington3,5
45Grant Daly1562Downend & Fishponds3,5
101Colm O'shea1852Pimlico3
2Rob Mcclatchey1840Salisbury3
8Mohamed Nasrudeen Meeran Mohammed Sharifdeen1794Bath3
12Spencer Lawrence1770Wiltshire *3
17Peter Marks1747Horfield & Redland3
18Jeremy Gardner1746Yate & Sodbury3
31Stephen Williams1668Cwmbran3
34Mauro Farina1659Bath3
37Jonathan Gould1640Hanham3
41John Belinger1603New Milton3
47Arun Broadley1557Cirencester3
48Conor Newton1553Bristol University3
223Richard H Edney1835Isle Of Wight *2,5
4Christopher A Levy1818Hackney2,5
5Freddie Magee1814Bristol University2,5
9Judd Chidwick1787Horfield & Redland2,5
11Chris Carpenter1781Herne Bay2,5
16Gerard T'hart1750Plymouth2,5
22Dale Sibborn1726Bishop's Cleeve2,5
25Ben Cooper1712Somerset *2,5
29Hendrik Wessels1675Battersea2,5
39Joaquim Luque1621Horfield & Redland2,5
42Oleksii Novakov1602Bristol Cabot2,5
336Christian K Brown1810Bath2
10George Lekoudis1786Barnstaple2
13Samuel Albert Glenn1768Bristol University2
19Philip J Walters1743Carlisle Austin Friars2
21Brendan O'gorman1727Dhss2
27Thomas Ash1697Downend & Fishponds2
28Emma Salazar Eyre1697Gosforth2
44Elmira Walker1584Downend & Fishponds2
46John Constable1560Bude2
4226Alastair Jd Marston1708Bristol Cabot1,5
32David B Mcgeeney1666Bristol Cabot1,5
38Piotr Zielinski1632Horfield & Redland1,5
4520Ted Korolchuk1734Bristol & Clifton1
30Duncan M Macarthur1671Keynsham1
49Jason Leroy1379North Bristol1
50Thomas Merchant1375North Bristol1
4933Manel Fernando16644ncl The Pitstop0,5
40Thomas Brown1615Cheltenham (Glo)0,5
5151Michael Sillence Davis0Bristol Clifton0