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Eden Trails Under 11B

Last update 11.03.2023 19:27:54, Creator: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 155),Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Simon, RileyRSA1046George Holy Cross Primary
2Brink, AndrewRSA1042George George South
3Roberts, IwanRSA1006Hessequa Hoerskool Heidelberg
4Prins, EddieRSA971George George South
5Moolman, ElzevirRSA909Hessequa Hoerskool Heidelberg
6Drude, EyshaanRSA904Hessequa Voorwaards Primer
7Punt, HeinrichRSA895George Outeniqua Primary
8Lengisi, SimthaRSA883George Holy Cross Primary
9Francis, AaronRSA877George Holy Cross Primary
10Chaonwa, NathanRSA864George Holy Cross Primary
11Moses, DomoniqueRSA864Hessequa Voorwaards Primer
12Glynn, AlexanderRSA860George Holy Cross Primary
13Mouton, PaulRSA857George George South
14Sampson, EejayRSA838George Denneoord Primary
15Heunis, FourieRSA837OUDUSSA LS Wesbank
16Goedhals, ErikRSA825Knysna Plettenberg Bay PS
17Meyer, LukeRSA811Mossel Bay Erika
18Coleman, FerdinandRSA803George George South
19Cronje, ZacRSA800George Home School
20Fredericks, ReuelRSA790George Holy Cross Primary
21Lot, AlexioRSA788Kannaland Excelsior URC Primary
22Minnie, VernetoRSA788OUDUSSA De Rust Primary
23Pentz, JasonRSA783George George South
24Van Wyk, BrendonRSA770OUDUSSA Haarlem S/S
25Jansen, DuncanRSA764Hessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
26Riddles, CleawinRSA746Hessequa Voorwaards Primer
27Makwak, JaginRSA739Mossel Bay Milkwood
28Stegmann, AndreRSA737OUDUSSA LS Wesbank
29Woollatt, JoelRSA732Knysna Plettenberg Bay PS
30Judge, ZayanRSA723Mossel Bay Erika
31Venter, GjRSA720Mossel Bay Hartenbos
32Groenewald, NicolaihRSA714OUDUSSA LS Wesbank
33Stander, DeanRSA710OUDUSSA PJ Badenhorst Primary
34Appels, JaheemRSA709Knysna Concordia PS
35Kajiwa, IrvinRSA707Knysna Hornlee PS
36Stuurman, GeraldoRSA707OUDUSSA De Rust Primary
37Pretorius, ImmanuelRSA703Kannaland Excelsior URC Primary
38Uithaler, BirdwillRSA701Mossel Bay Ridgeview
39Ruiters, LiamRSA700Knysna Knysna PS
40Frans, KyleRSA699Mossel Bay Garden Route
41Jansen, GaylmoreRSA697OUDUSSA St/ Konrad
42Van Aswegen, KearonRSA697Mossel Bay Diaz
43Saaiers, HerickRSA696OUDUSSA PJ Badenhorst Primary
44Wildren, RoelfRSA694George George Prep
45De Jongh, ChevandreRSA690OUDUSSA De Rust Primary
46Afrika, EuclidRSA687OUDUSSA De Rust Primer
47Galant, JianRSA687OUDUSSA De Rust Primary
48Tobey, BuhleRSA686Knysna Knysna PS
49Kleinbooi, IvanhoRSA683Hessequa Voorwaards Primer
50Kortje, LoubreyRSA677Hessequa Oker Primer
51Kachingwe, RaymondRSA674Knysna Hornlee PS
52Kannemeyer, MushaanRSA673Hessequa Voorwaards Primer
53Muller, AshwinRSA656Mossel Bay St Blaize
54Pulla, RomeshRSA644Hessequa Voorwaards Primer
55Kortje, BrintleyRSA618Hessequa Panorama Primer
56Michaels, KyleRSA613Mossel Bay Diaz
57Philander, CurtleyRSA598Mossel Bay St Blaize
58Moos, ChadRSA543Mossel Bay St Blaize
59Du Plessis, ThomazamileRSA538OUDUSSA PJ Badenhorst Primary
60Steyn, KyleRSA536Mossel Bay St Blaize
61Willemse, ElizurRSA535OUDUSSA PJ Badenhorst Primary
62Frans, SherwinRSA520Mossel Bay Diaz
63Frans, Eldin-LeeRSA516Mossel Bay Diaz
64Uithaler, DuraycanRSA511Hessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
65Sameuls, SiyandaRSA508Hessequa Oker Primer
66Meyer, XaydinRSA501Hessequa Hoerskool Heidelberg
67Leshawa, EmzeoRSA500Mossel Bay Diaz
68Magela, AlupheliRSA500Knysna Fraaisig PS
69Montsheng, KendrickRSA500Knysna Knysna PS
70Steenberg, G-LarioRSA500Mossel Bay St Blaize
71Branco, JoshuaWEG0Knysna Fraaisig PS
72Chambe, OwenWEG0Knysna
73Jacobs, IsenathiWEG0Knysna Trinity PS
74Madziwa, KupakwasheWEG0Knysna Fraaisig PS
75Makeleni, BungewalisaWEG0Knysna
76Ngekendala, UkhonayeWEG0Knysna Fraaisig PS
77van der Colff, RynhardWEG0Knysna Plettenberg Bay PS
78Van Huysteen, CallumWEG0Knysna Plettenberg Bay PS
79Van Vuuren, TaylerWEG0OUDUSSA Laerskool Wesbank
80Van Vuuren, TylerRSA697OUDOSSA