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Eden Trails Under 15B

Last update 11.03.2023 19:30:57, Creator: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 155),Last Upload: George Swart

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1Du Plessis, ArnoRSA143815BGeorge Outeniqua High School
2Scholtz, HankoRSA128515BGeorge Outeniqua High School
3De Waal, LiamRSA115415BGeorge Outeniqua High School
4Bredenkamp, JaydonRSA110515BMossel Bay Sao Bras
5May, MehagoRSA109315BOUDUSSA Dysselsdorp Sekonder
6Jacobs, ShaquilleRSA106115BMossel Bay Sao Bras
7Meyer, MarsouwRSA105415BGeorge Outeniqua High School
8Lebatie, BlakeRSA105115BMossel Bay Curro
9Shand, NathanRSA101915BKannaland R.P Botha Primer
10Saku, LisolethuRSA101715BOUDUSSA Van Reede Primary
11Fortuin, CalebRSA101615BKannaland R.P Botha Primer
12Van Wyngaardt, ClaytonRSA101115BKannaland Hoerskool Calitzdorp
13May, BehagoRSA99215BOUDUSSA Dysselsdorp Sekonder
14Nell, CohanRSA98115BMossel Bay Punt
15Kiewiet, B JayRSA97915BMossel Bay Punt
16Koraan, MatthewRSA96315BGeorge HTS Eden
17Harris, EmeriqueRSA95715BMossel Bay Diaz
18Hawkins, JoshuaRSA94215BGeorge Glenwood House
19Bukula, SivuyisileRSA93915BGeorge York High School
20Kirchmann, DaneRSA92015BKnysna Oakhill School
21Windvogel, IgnatiusRSA91915BKannaland Excelsior URC Primary
22Hone, RyanRSA91715BMossel Bay Home Schooling
23Van Niekerk, CarlosRSA91715BGeorge Outeniqua Primary
24Snyman, ClintonRSA91415BKannaland Excelsior URC Primary
25Mulder, JuncoeRSA91315BHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
26Benjamin, ChadwonRSA91215BKannaland Excelsior URC Primary
27Anta, PatonRSA91115BKannaland R.P Botha Primer
28Pretorius, AdriaanRSA91015BKannaland Excelsior URC Primary
29Geland, LoghanRSA90815BKannaland Hoerskool Calitzdorp
30Thorne, JoeyRSA90515BOUDUSSA Oudtshoorn HS
31Afrika, MikyleRSA90415BKannaland R.P Botha Primer
32Cooper, ShaydenRSA89615BKannaland Hoerskool Calitzdorp
33Botha, JaneauRSA88915BOUDUSSA Van Reede Primary
34Mac, Donald AntonieRSA88915BOUDUSSA Oudtshoorn HS
35Smit, WaldoRSA88215BMossel Bay Curro
36Steyn, DuaneRSA87815BKannaland Excelsior URC Primary
37Botha, JosephniqueRSA87115BOUDUSSA PJ Badenhorst Primary
38Adams, LincolnRSA87015BHessequa Panorama Primer
39Lamprecht, CarelRSA86815BMossel Bay Punt
40Beukes, ZaydianRSA85315BMossel Bay Hillcrest
41Lottering, LeonardoRSA84115BHessequa Melkhoutfontein Primary Sc
42Saaiman, LuwaydenRSA84115BHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
43Konstabel, ZinzanRSA84015BOUDUSSA Dysselsdorp Sekonder
44Abrahams, JaydenRSA83515BOUDUSSA Dysselsdorp Sekonder
45Rossouw, LiamRSA82115BGeorge York High School
46Stali, BulumkoRSA81615BGeorge Thembalethu High School
47Williams, HandreRSA79915BGeorge Outeniqua High School
48Titus, JewandreRSA78015BOUDUSSA Dysselsdorp Sekonder
49Buys, RhayllinRSA77015BHessequa Slangrivier Primer
50Lewendal, EliahRSA75915BOUDUSSA Morester
51Swartz, TayreseRSA75115BHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
52Isaaks, MatthewRSA74115BOUDUSSA Dysselsdorp Sekonder
53Stephanus, Shagen-LeeRSA74015BHessequa Gerrit du Plessis Sekonder
54Gelant, DameanRSA73415BOUDUSSA Dysselsdorp Sekonder
55Sauls, ShalminoRSA73115BHessequa Gerrit du Plessis Sekonder
56Esau, KeanoRSA72715BHessequa Slangrivier Primer
57Faurie, DawieRSA70815BHessequa Hoerskool Langenhoven
58Claassen, GretinRSA69315BOUDUSSA Dysselsdorp Sekonder
59Saaiman, KayleRSA69215BHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
60Lotteriet, JonathanRSA66115BHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
61Makwasa, EbrahimRSA65415BOUDUSSA Dysselsdorp Sekonder
62Pretorius, IeuanRSA65215BOUDUSSA Bridgton Secondary
63Geduld, ShamielRSA64915BMossel Bay Sao Bras
64Noma, LizakhanyaRSA64915BGeorge York High School
65Muza, MosesRSA64515BGeorge Mzoxolo Primary
66Taute, HaygonRSA62215BMossel Bay Sao Bras
67Van Wyk, LaureanoRSA61715BMossel Bay Punt
68Daniels, Charlton - LeeRSA61415BHessequa Slangrivier Primer
69Plaatjies, ZaywinRSA60215BKnysna Hornlee PS
70Smoki, ZukoRSA57415BGeorge Thembalethu High School
71Langa, JabinRSA55015BHessequa Hoerskool Langenhoven
72Buyangane, LuvoWEG015BKnysna Fraaisig PS
73Fortuin, BlaqueWEG015BKnysna Wittedrift High
74Jordaan, RenteyWEG015BMossel Bay St Blaize
75Singe, AliveWEG015BKnysna Trinity PS
76Smith, AndazellWEG0w15BKnysna Wittedrift High
77De Waal, Jay-RWEG0Knysna Wittedrift High
78Moos, QuienWEG0OUDUSSA De Villiers Primer
79Plaatjies, EldowayneWEG0Sao Bras
80Pienaar, AnthenRSA0OUDOSSA du Rust
81Daniels, ColstenRSA932WEGMossel Bay
82Chambe, OwenRSA0