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Eden Trails Under 17G

Last update 11.03.2023 19:32:14, Creator: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 155),Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Nel, DanikaRSA127517GGeorge Outeniqua High School
2Adams, JadeRSA113717GHessequa Hoerskool Langenhoven
3October, TamsonRSA107417GHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
4Kuyler, LuzandriRSA106317GOUDUSSA Gimnasium
5Nomdo, MoniqueRSA102417GHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
6Arendse, Jaden LeeRSA98617GKannaland Ladismith Sekonder
7Du Plessis, CharlotteRSA95617GGeorge Outeniqua High School
8Prins, ZuraidaRSA95117GHessequa Hoerskool Langenhoven
9Dunn, LeahRSA94817GMossel Bay Punt
10Meyer, KeechaRSA93717GKannaland Ladismith Sekonder
11Fana, AwethuRSA93217GMossel Bay Hillcrest
12Fana, AmahleRSA90717GMossel Bay Hillcrest
13Radloff, IvanichaRSA87217GHessequa Hoerskool Langenhoven
14Lamberts, DenikaRSA82217GHessequa Gerrit du Plessis Sekonder
15Pistorius, KaylaRSA81217GMossel Bay Curro
16Flores, Jay-LeeRSA77417GHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
17van Zyl, LynriRSA77117GHessequa Hoerskool Langenhoven
18Prins, LukeeshaRSA77017GHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
19Jones, AmberRSA73417GMossel Bay Sao Bras
20Damons, CayleenRSA70717GOUDUSSA De Rust Sekonder
21Tarentaal, DemiRSA70317GHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
22Mouries, IngeRSA69717GHessequa Gerrit du Plessis Sekonder
23Muller, ScarlettRSA66717GHessequa Hoerskool Langenhoven
24Miggels, MicolaRSA65817GGeorge HTS Eden
25Damons, NatashaRSA63717GOUDUSSA De Rust Sekonder
26Stander, PorchiaRSA59917GKannaland Hoerskool Calitzdorp
27Windvogel, ElzoniaRSA58517GHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
28Fortuin, WillmarzanneRSA50017GKannaland Hoerskool Calitzdorp
29Kiewitz, TahishaRSA692WEGOUDUSSA Morester
30Swanepoel, AshleyRSA909WEGGeorge Outeniqua High School
31Job, JenileyWEG0WEGKannalnd Hoerskool Ladismith
32Paulse, ChardonnayRSA965WEGOudtshoorn
33Noyi, SolakhaRSA0Knysna