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Eden Trails Under 19B

Last update 11.03.2023 19:33:19, Creator: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 155),Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Taute, ClaydenRSA163119BMossel Bay Sao Bras
2Koen, IvanRSA140119BGeorge Outeniqua High School
3Meyer, JaredRSA138019BGeorge George High
4Hendricks, JereldoRSA136619BHessequa Gerrit du Plessis Sekonder
5Blaauw, LucinRSA125019BHessequa Gerrit du Plessis Sekonder
6Potgieter, Kevin ChrisRSA122219BGeorge Outeniqua High School
7Fourie, CarloRSA114219BMossel Bay Punt
8Swart, CalvinRSA113419BKnysna Trinity PS
9Kiewiet, MarvinRSA112519BMossel Bay Hillcrest
10Caba, LunathiRSA111719BKnysna Percy Mdala HS
11Linters, StephianoRSA109219BOUDUSSA De Rust Sekonder
12April, DavianRSA108919BKannaland Hoerskool Calitzdorp
13Goliath, PeterianhoRSA108419BOUDUSSA
14Baadjies, LandoRSA108019BHessequa Gerrit du Plessis Sekonder
15Bomela, SibabalweRSA108019BKnysna Percy Mdala HS
16Ribeire, EnriquaRSA108019BOUDUSSA
17Khumalo, ConquerRSA107019BKnysna Percy Mdala HS
18Sebario, MoutonRSA106719BOUDUSSA Dysselsdorp sekonder
19Katsen, LyleRSA105619BGeorge York High School
20Damons, RewaldoRSA105419BOUDUSSA De Rust Sekonder
21Hlumelo, MathuthRSA105419BGeorge HTS Eden
22May, WyattRSA104919BGeorge Outeniqua High School
23Badenhorst, BenjaminRSA104819BGeorge Outeniqua High School
24Ludick, DamionRSA104519BKannaland Hoerskool Ladismith
25Swanepoel, WillemRSA102819BGeorge Outeniqua High School
26Ayford, JordanRSA101619BKannaland Hoerskool Ladismith
27Doman, RuanRSA101419BHessequa Hoerskool Langenhoven
28Saal, MigaelRSA100419BGeorge York High School
29Fana, LisakhanyoRSA99919BGeorge York High School
30Dillman, LaythumRSA99819BHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
31Tasiya, ChapmanRSA98219BKnysna Percy Mdala HS
32Visagie, DuncanRSA96319BKannaland Hoerskool Calitzdorp
33Vermeulen, AndriesRSA95919BGeorge Outeniqua High School
34Barends, XavierRSA94919BGeorge George High
35Botha, JonathanRSA94519BOUDUSSA Privaat
36Lewis, TylerRSA94519BGeorge York High School
37Bezuidenhout, RossRSA93919BMossel Bay Sao Bras
38Joseph, ChristopherRSA92019BHessequa Hoerskool Langenhoven
39Mbulawa, LiyemaRSA89419BKnysna Percy Mdala HS
40Fortuin, JordanRSA84519BGeorge George High
41Williams, DillonRSA81919BOUDUSSA Oudtshoorn HS
42Mostert, RichardRSA79719BOUDUSSA
43Jacobs, VaughanRSA79219BOUDUSSA Privaat
44Njoko, SpesihleRSA77919BOUDUSSA Hoerskool Uniondale
45Buis, HenleyRSA77619BMossel Bay Sao Bras
46Hitzeroth, KevinRSA77319BOUDUSSA
47Eksteen, WilburRSA77219BHessequa Albertinia Hoerskool
48Zizi, BabaloRSA76319BGeorge George High
49Kianto, BlouWEG019BKnysna Wittedrift High
50Mc Clune, BobbyWEG019BOUDUSSA