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Dundee Allegro Intermediate

Darrera actualització05.03.2023 18:09:28, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Rànquing inicial

1Hackney, Leyton4308794NZL1629
2Rose, Keith2404109SCO1539
3Mcevoy Gould, Kit2412748SCO1517
4Anderson, James2402033SCO1434
5Wardlaw, Tom2410591SCO1355
6Young, Colin2408635SCO1351
7Seijas Otero, Ana Belen24593648ESP1302
8Noble, Ray2404060SCO1299
9Smikle, Joshua7404751JAM1210
10Cargill, Josh2411032SCO1179
11Coleman, Daniel2410699SCO1098
12McMillan, Malcolm2407981SCO1085
13Kenicer, Eve2412250SCO873
14Alijani, Afshin2412586SCO0
15Bell-Watson, Connor2411636SCO0
16Duff, Stuart2411440SCO0
17Lee, Kevin2096498USA0
18McCarthy, Russell2412667SCO0