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Dundee Allegro Open

Darrera actualització05.03.2023 18:08:49, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Rànquing inicial

1FMTate, Alan2401878SCO2282
2Findlay, David John2400278SCO2176
3Dawson, Alastair412651SCO1922
4Montgomery, James R2401860SCO1898
5Vijayakumar, Rishi2408953SCO1762
6Kosznik, Dariusz2405741SCO1761
7Emery, Keith2403080SCO1689
8Flood, Raymond2407604SCO1552
9Kumar, Ishan2408554SCO1547
10Brennan, J Ross2403773SCO1480
11Webb, Hunter2411415SCO1464
12Thiel, Jan266540BEL1451
13Cameron, NairnSCO0
14Matheson, Lewis2412489SCO0