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JNW Open - Crawford - Adult Section

Last update 05.03.2023 11:02:16, Creator: hugh theunissen,Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 65)

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Starting rank

1Parag, YakeshRSA1113
2Dinham, JennyRSA1101
3Botha, KeanuRSA1000
4Phumelo, Sibusiso SRSA956
5Hayward, StuartRSA0
6Jordaan, BurnettRSA0
7Kokot, PhilipRSA0
8Marais, Jan-LucRSA0
9Marais, KlariseRSA0
10Molapisi, PoulosRSA0
11Mwamba, GodfreyRSA0
12Netshivhulana, Ronewa PhilipRSA0
13Semukelo, MatheRSA0
14Solwa, MohamedRSA0