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CZECH OPEN 2023 - A - PARDUBICE OPEN - open grandmaster tournament, part of the ACP world series

Last update 29.07.2023 23:48:23, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Player overview for TPE

39FMBai Adelard2398TPE1110½1½117725131013,60A

Results of the last round for TPE

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
IMAbdrlauf ElhamNOR2522 0 - 16 FMBai AdelardTPE2398

Player details for TPE

FM Bai Adelard 2398 TPE Rp:2513 Pts. 7
1184Sandvik Thomas2114FIN2s 1101,60
2134Kearns Christopher2184GER5w 1102,30
384FMBornholdt Joa Max2265GER5,5s 1103,20
468FMKoziorowicz Michal2307POL5,5w 010-6,20
5129CMPanek Bartosz2188POL5s ½10-2,70
6196Callsen Niklas2092GER5w 1101,40
713GMGagare Shardul2480IND6,5s ½101,10
811IMKraus Tomas2484CZE6w 1106,20
97IMAbdrlauf Elham2522NOR5,5s 1106,70