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CZECH OPEN 2023 - A - PARDUBICE OPEN - open grandmaster tournament, part of the ACP world series

Last update 29.07.2023 23:48:23, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Player overview for MGL

59Itgelt Khuyagtsogt2321MGL½1½11½1½062623902018,20A
98FMAnand Batsukh2242MGL001111½004,5144218020-11,80A

Results of the last round for MGL

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
Itgelt KhuyagtsogtMGL23216 0 - 16 IMKosakowski JakubPOL2475
FMAnand BatsukhMGL2242 0 not paired  

Player details for MGL

Itgelt Khuyagtsogt 2321 MGL Rp:2390 Pts. 6
1204Prazak Daniel2082CZE4,5s ½20-6,00
2194Rog Bartlomiej2099POL5w 1204,40
3224IMSultan Ibrahim2042UAE5s ½20-6,80
4149Pelech Roee2164ISR3,5w 1205,80
5218CMKrawczyk Flawian2053POL5w 1203,40
69IMIoannidis Evgenios2487GRE7s ½204,40
720IMPijpers Arthur2465NED6w 12013,80
88GMStocek Jiri2515CZE7s ½205,00
916IMKosakowski Jakub2475POL7w 020-5,80
FM Anand Batsukh 2242 MGL Rp:2180 Pts. 4,5
1243Radovic Stefan2012SWE2,5w 020-15,80
2209Ciszewski Krzysztof2065POL4s 020-14,60
3234Adamovics Aleksejs2031LAT3w 1204,60
4213Huh Isaak2058KOR3s 1205,20
5205WIMArpita Mukherjee2079IND4,5w 1205,60
6241IMDovzhenko Viktor2013UKR4s 1204,20
743FMCzopor Maciej2379POL6,5w ½203,60
822IMMitusov Semen2455NOR6,5s 020-4,60
9-not paired- --- 0