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CZECH OPEN 2023 - A - PARDUBICE OPEN - open grandmaster tournament, part of the ACP world series

Last update 29.07.2023 23:48:23, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Player overview for ISR

12GMZanan Evgeny2481ISR11½011½1½6,516246410-0,70A
112FMSherman Reem2216ISR1½01½½½1½5,55324082046,20A
114IMLederman Leon2213ISR10100½01½4184210010-13,80A
149Pelech Roee2164ISR1010100½03,5210206740-46,80A
270Martianov Andre1951ISR½0½100100324720032011,40A

Results of the last round for ISR

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
Malek JanPOL23846 ½ - ½6 GMZanan EvgenyISR2481
FMSvanda OndrejCZE23585 ½ - ½5 FMSherman ReemISR2216
IMLederman LeonISR2213 ½ - ½ Panjer SidneyGER2090
Pelech RoeeISR2164 0 - 1 Paikens ReinisLAT2073
Martianov AndreISR19513 0 - 13 WFMShah VishwaIND2054

Player details for ISR

GM Zanan Evgeny 2481 ISR Rp:2464 Pts. 6,5
1158Kather Yannick2148GER4,5s 1101,20
2100FMJarocka Liwia2241POL5,5w 1102,00
358FMMalek Daniel2322GER5,5s ½10-2,10
464FMCosta Leonardo2314GER6w 010-7,20
5105FMKaras Marek2227CZE4,5s 1101,90
678FMVojta Jakub2277CZE5,5w 1102,40
735FMStein Robert2415GER6s ½10-0,90
847FMSvanda Ondrej2358CZE5,5w 1103,30
941Malek Jan2384POL6,5s ½10-1,30
FM Sherman Reem 2216 ISR Rp:2408 Pts. 5,5
1257Neuhoff Laertes1985GER4w 1204,20
224GMYankelevich Lev2442GER4,5s ½205,80
330Sopur Lech2425POL4,5w 020-4,60
4225Bohacek Jan Andrej2039CZE3s 1205,40
534IMGrabinsky Aaron2416USA5,5w ½205,20
622IMMitusov Semen2455NOR6,5s ½206,00
737IMPercivaldi Martin2407DEN5w ½205,00
829IMYelisieiev Yevhenii2425GER5w 12015,40
947FMSvanda Ondrej2358CZE5,5s ½203,80
IM Lederman Leon 2213 ISR Rp:2100 Pts. 4
1259Herrmann Jakob1980GER4,5w 1102,10
226IMStalmach Richard2436CZE6s 010-2,20
3241IMDovzhenko Viktor2013UKR4w 1102,40
49IMIoannidis Evgenios2487GRE7w 010-1,70
5192Rounaiv Rana2102IND3,5s 010-6,50
6215WFMShah Vishwa2054IND4s ½10-2,10
7209Ciszewski Krzysztof2065POL4w 010-7,00
8213Huh Isaak2058KOR3s 1102,90
9197Panjer Sidney2090GER4w ½10-1,70
Pelech Roee 2164 ISR Rp:2067 Pts. 3,5
1292Levitan Judah Nathan1844RSA3w 1405,20
247FMSvanda Ondrej2358CZE5,5s 040-10,00
322IMMitusov Semen2455NOR6,5w 14034,00
459Itgelt Khuyagtsogt2321MGL6s 040-11,60
5291WFMBadenhorst Chloe1900RSA2,5w 1407,20
655FMFiedorek Michal2332POL6s 040-11,20
7241IMDovzhenko Viktor2013UKR4w 040-28,00
8239Sommer Justus2025GER3,5s ½40-7,60
9206Paikens Reinis2073LAT4,5w 040-24,80
Martianov Andre 1951 ISR Rp:2003 Pts. 3
1125FMPogan Nikolas2199SUI4,5w ½206,20
2127Dere Pushkar2192IND4,5s 020-4,00
3178Ret Adam Josef2123CZE3,5s ½204,60
4182Pikalow Michael2119GER4w 12014,40
5140CMHarish Neeraj2178USA4w 020-4,20
6181Hurtik Matej2120CZE4s 020-5,60
7210Kondys Piotr2063POL3w 12013,00
8189WIMWagenschuetz Evelyn2108ECU4s 020-5,80
9215WFMShah Vishwa2054IND4w 020-7,20