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CZECH OPEN 2023 - A - PARDUBICE OPEN - open grandmaster tournament, part of the ACP world series

Last update 29.07.2023 23:48:23, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Player overview for GRE

9IMIoannidis Evgenios2487GRE10111½½11792511103,40A
263WIMMakka Ioulia1970GRE0100½½01032561996205,40A

Results of the last round for GRE

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
IMNitish BelurkarIND24266 0 - 16 IMIoannidis EvgeniosGRE2487
Vestfal JanCZE20663 1 - 03 WIMMakka IouliaGRE1970

Player details for GRE

IM Ioannidis Evgenios 2487 GRE Rp:2511 Pts. 7
1155Paseka Matyas2156CZE4w 1101,20
299FMChyzy Jakub2242POL5s 010-8,00
3151Holly Andrej2163SVK5w 1101,30
4114IMLederman Leon2213ISR4s 1101,70
583CMBujnoch Radek2267CZE5w 1102,20
659Itgelt Khuyagtsogt2321MGL6w ½10-2,20
733IMPanda Sambit2417IND5s ½10-1,00
835FMStein Robert2415GER6w 1104,00
928IMNitish Belurkar2426IND6s 1104,20
WIM Makka Ioulia 1970 GRE Rp:1996 Pts. 3
1118Kawulok Marek2211CZE3,5s 020-4,00
2180Zdrazil Tomas2122CZE3w 12014,00
3128CMBargsten Justus2191GER4,5s 020-4,40
4178Ret Adam Josef2123CZE3,5w 020-6,00
5190CMLye Sverre2107NOR3s ½203,60
6198CMGrot Blazej2089POL3,5w ½203,20
7197Panjer Sidney2090GER4s 020-6,80
8200Svoboda Petr2088CZE2,5w 12013,20
9208Vestfal Jan2066CZE4s 020-7,40