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CZECH OPEN 2023 - A - PARDUBICE OPEN - open grandmaster tournament, part of the ACP world series

Last update 29.07.2023 23:48:23, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Player overview for ARM

1GMMovsesian Sergei2617ARM11½1011½½6,510252710-6,80A

Results of the last round for ARM

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMMovsesian SergeiARM26176 ½ - ½6 IMSorensen HampusSWE2474

Player details for ARM

GM Movsesian Sergei 2617 ARM Rp:2527 Pts. 6,5
1147FMHajiyev Kanan2164AZE3,5s 1100,80
290FMKwon Sehyun2258KOR6w 1101,00
354FMFrank Adam2335CZE6s ½10-3,40
452FMKusa Jakub2340CZE6w 1101,70
527IMAgmanov Zhandos2430KAZ7,5s 010-7,40
660IMRakesh Kumar Jena2320IND4,5w 1101,50
725IMPantzar Milton2442SWE6,5w 1102,70
810GMDas Sayantan2484IND6,5s ½10-1,80
917IMSorensen Hampus2474SWE6,5w ½10-1,90