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IV Torneio de Duplas

Last update 01.03.2023 02:21:45, Creator/Last Upload: IA Pablyto Robert

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Team-Composition with round-results

  1. Madan (RtgAvg:1912, TB1: 8 / TB2: 7,5)
1Nascimento, Daniel Rojas1992BRA227712041½1013,551518
2Alves, Alessandro Cunha1831BRA215310611101451335
  2. Thyago x Pedro (RtgAvg:1000, TB1: 7 / TB2: 7)
1Cardoso, Thyago0BRA01110351502
2Malini, Pedro0BRA01111451333
  3. Torre Belo (RtgAvg:1963, TB1: 7 / TB2: 7)
1Verdibello, Mario Arnaldo B2052BRA210622110111451518
2Torrezani, Eduardo De Moraes1874BRA210787201011351511
  4. Habeas Chess (RtgAvg:1379, TB1: 6 / TB2: 6,5)
1AIMRibeiro, Pablyto Robert Baioco1758BRA21106521½0113,551409
2Pereira, Marco Aurelio Soares0BRA10110351517
  5. CRXC (RtgAvg:1797, TB1: 6 / TB2: 6)
1Barcelos, Leandro Rodrigues1832BRA213641411001351584
2Vieira, Paulo Cesar1762BRA210599311001351341
  6. Clube Praia da Costa (RtgAvg:1000, TB1: 5 / TB2: 5)
1Montenegro, Fernando Bitaraes0BRA01011351409
2Candeia, Miguel Bastos0BRA00011251341
  7. Zanon e Ailton (RtgAvg:1956, TB1: 5 / TB2: 5)
1Silveira, Rogerio Zanon Da1998BRA210401601010251409
2Santos Junior, Ailton Antonio1914BRA211910211010351517
  8. Equipe Vila Velha (RtgAvg:1439, TB1: 4 / TB2: 4)
1Stulzer, Eduardo0BRA10100251714
2Knoblauch, Walter Lucas1878BRA211246910100251524
  9. Caue x Fricks (RtgAvg:1000, TB1: 1 / TB2: 1)
1Romanha, Caue Castanha0BRA00000051351
2Fricks Silva, Aquiles Davi0BRA00100151183
  10. Jocie x Rodolfo (RtgAvg:1000, TB1: 1 / TB2: 1)
1Andrade, Jociel Cavalcante0BRA00100151366
2Andrade, Joao Rodolfo0BRA00000051511