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III Tancats de l'Escacs Comtal Club Primavera 2023. Grup B id. 321620

Last update 17.06.2023 12:35:06, Creator/Last Upload: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

Starting rank list of players

5Avagyan, Gevorg38498054736374ESP16851926
3Costa Trave, Jaume43442221632ESP16901863
8Abad Nebot, Jordi856554516609ESP14321717
4Gonzalez Lopez, Marcelo39966094767548ESP17971700
7Sanchez Viana, Jordi78942286319ESP14371688
2Sanchez Coves, Joan Josep41142291401ESP14721681
9Francia, Christian37797954519799ESP13711595
1Gimeno Daroca, Vicente38324254705061ESP12201556
6Nepali Dolkar, Sherab Odsel39917094747792ESP01540
10Pla Julio, Carlos Javier1638322228411ESP11921513