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London FIDE Rapidplay - Open

Last update 04.03.2023 18:36:17, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Buyandalai, Tumen4901916MGL2159
2Iyengar, Ilya405949ENG1887
3Dupuis, Denis K452980ENG1821
4Alcock, Graham P406325ENG1686
5Zhan, Richard343403042ENG1618
6Shidlagatta, Anirudh469475ENG1576Richmond Juniors
7Lishoy Gengis Paratazham, Dildarav491462ENG1472Surrey Juniors
8Singha, Swati45013004IND1414
9Dixena, Shashank88111016IND0India
10Malola, Prasath.T.S5017033IND2024