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Women's World Rapid Championship 2012

Last update 03.06.2012 16:22:44, Creator/Last Upload: Georgian chess federation

Player overview for IND

2GMKoneru Humpy2589IND1½11½1½01½183
9GMHarika Dronavalli2508IND½½½11½0111½7,56

Results of the last round for IND

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMHarika DronavalliIND25087 ½ - ½8 GMStefanova AntoanetaBUL2518
WGMTan ZhongyiCHN2430 0 - 17 GMKoneru HumpyIND2589

Player details for IND

GM Koneru Humpy 2589 IND Rp:2630 Pts. 8
127WGMBatsiashvili Nino2436GEO5,5w 1
217GMKosteniuk Alexandra2457RUS8s ½
336Wang Jue2364CHN6w 1
419IMKhurtsidze Nino2456GEO6s 1
531WGMHuang Qian2417CHN6w ½
616GMCramling Pia2478SWE6,5s 1
78GMStefanova Antoaneta2518BUL8,5s ½
85GMLahno Kateryna2546UKR8w 0
937WGMGuo Qi2360CHN6,5w 1
104GMDzagnidze Nana2547GEO7s ½
1128WGMTan Zhongyi2430CHN6,5s 1
GM Harika Dronavalli 2508 IND Rp:2563 Pts. 7,5
134WGMCori T Deysi2386PER5s ½
230IMKovalevskaya Ekaterina2417RUS4,5w ½
329GMArakhamia-Grant Ketevan2426SCO5,5s ½
450WIMBezgodova Svetlana2120RUS2,5w 1
526GMZhukova Natalia2442UKR6,5s 1
61GMMuzychuk Anna2598SLO7,5w ½
728WGMTan Zhongyi2430CHN6,5s 0
820IMMuzychuk Mariya2456UKR5w 1
916GMCramling Pia2478SWE6,5s 1
1019IMKhurtsidze Nino2456GEO6w 1
118GMStefanova Antoaneta2518BUL8,5w ½