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Championnat Blitz de Monaco 2023

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.02.2023 15:34:38, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

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1GMEfimov, Igor806404MNC2434
2GMBagheri, Amir12500283MNC2386
3IMVillegas, Pierre654183MNC2337
4WGMDornbusch, Tatiana14107449MNC2150
5Meylan, Andre1301225MNC2141
6FMVerdier, Patrice606340MNC2127
7WIMZvereva, Marija4121082FID2063
8FMVan Hoolandt, Patrick200999MNC1868
9Rapaire, Jean-Michel5400023MNC1732
10WCMBerezovska, Svetlana5400740MNC1722
11WIMLebel-Arias, Julia602019MNC1670