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George Chess Trials 3 Under 13 Girls

Last update 25.02.2023 15:23:45, Creator/Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Mpuru, Moyisi21101194911051WEGHoly Cross Primary
2Douglas, Caitlin2110136933943WEGGlenwood
3Wessels, Hanjah2100096201904WEGGeorge South
4Gouws, Garlan2100109379847WEGOuteniqua Primary
5Kruger, Riasha2100108133841WEGNew Dawn Park
6Oosthuizen, Juane2110108129768WEGGeorge South
7Reinecke, Annemieka2100108143734WEGGeorge South
8Van Den Heever, Anita2110134727645WEGGeorge South
9Fischer, Carlanda2120136559588WEGOuteniqua Primary
10Damans, Arantxe1110119463506WEGGeorge South
11Wanie, Amy Lee2110136943489WEGPacaltsdorp Primary
12Taylor, Menirva2110136941401WEGPacaltsdorp Primary
13Jantjies, Tresne2110136935385WEGPacaltsdorp Primary
14Dani, Liyabona21101485360Mzoxolo Primary
15Gretffrath, Sonja00Blanco Primary
16Kriel, Chanté00Laerskool Van Der Hoven
17Labea, Jean-Louise21101485370Pacaltsdorp Primary
18Muza, Meloge21101480670Mzoxolo Primary
19Muza, Mercy21001480680Mzoxolo Primary
20Stander, Burtonique21101485380Mzoxolo Primary