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George Chess Trials 3 Under 9 Girls

Last update 25.02.2023 11:25:03, Creator/Last Upload: George Swart

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Starting rank

1Stewart, Chante2150142295361Holy Cross Primary
2Barnard, Marizaan00Blanco Primary
3Beaunielle, Cathi21401485830WEGBlanco Primary
4Botes, Leja00George South
5Botha, Jaylie21401485840George Prepatory
6Chaonwa, Natalie21501485850Holy Cross Primary
7Coleman, Gabriella11501446730WEGHoly Cross Primary
8du Toit, Tineke00Blanco Primary
9Fischer, Amanda00George Prepatory
10Greeff, Mari21401485860George Prepatory
11Magomanele, Thato00Denneoord Primary
12Meyer, Mieke21401485880Blanco Primary
13Mouton, Carli21401485900George South
14Norgarb, Sophia21401485910Holy Cross Primary
15Prins, Annike00Denneoord Primary
16Roux, Niqueta21401485920George Prepatory
17Van den Heever, Christelle21401485930George South
18van Zyl, Karlien21401485940Blanco Primary
19Kruger, Kylie00Blanco Primary