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George Chess Trials 3 Under 9 Boys

Last update 25.02.2023 11:26:16, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1Van Staden, Pearson11401369661184WEGHome School
2Mpuru, Jk1140144676852WEGHoly Cross Primary
3Hattingh, Gerhard1140135422850WEGGeorge South
4Spies, Fanie1140136598774WEGGeorge Prepatory
5Punt, Christiaan Rufu1140136596719WEGGeorge Prepatory
6Pfaff, Joel1150136955713WEGHoly Cross Primary
7Pringle, Alexander1140136964702WEGHoly Cross Primary
8Van Der Merwe, Oliver1150136957667WEGHoly Cross Primary
9Dixon, Arlo1140136583654WEGGeorge South
10Opperman, Caden1150142293583WEGHoly Cross Primary
11James, William1150136953555WEGHoly Cross Primary
12Fourie, John1140136587536WEGGeorge Prepatory
13Brewis, Fox1140144672411WEGGlenwood Primary
14Reddy, Xander1150142294406WEGHoly Cross Primary
15Mccabe, Thomas1150136954353WEGGeorge South
16Stander, Paul1140136599295WEGGeorge South
17Damons, Ernest00Holy Cross Primary
18Fritz, Ulysse11501446750WEGGlenwood Primary
19Khaketla, Thabo00Denneoord Primary
20Muza, Benjamin11501480660WEGMzoxolo Primary
21Oberholzer, Milan00George Prepatory
22Opperman, Kieran00George Prepatory
23Pieterse, Andre00George Prepatory
24Snyman, Christian00George South
25Steenberg, Regardt11501485790George South
26Strydom, Christian11401485800George South
27Trosee, Tiaan00Blanco Primary
28Van den Heever, Christiaan11501485810George South
29van der Merwe, Rosco00George Prepatory
30Van Dyck, Tristian11401485820Blanco Primary