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Zonal Sub 18 Absoluto Zona Centro 2012

Last update 21.05.2012 20:01:17, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1FMHernandez Sanchez Jairo AndresTOL2279U18
2WIMRodriguez Rueda Paula AndreaFFA2208wU18
3Castro Jairo AntonioMET1897U18
4Gomez Perez Jaidor S.MET1857U18
5Argote. Carlos DavidMET1818U18
6Cespedes Galindo EstefaniaTOL1799wU18
7Barbosa DanielaMET1798wU18
8Nope TatianaBOG1680wU18
9Nope VivianaBOG1520wU18
10Perez Velasco DanielaMET1461wU18
11Barbosa VanessaMET1425wU18
12Becerra Gauta Luis AlfonsoMET0U18
13Cardenas Vergara Juan AlejandroMET0U18
14Castillo Colina CamiloMET0U18
15Fandino EdwinMET0U18
16Gross Ramirez Daniel AlbertoMET0U18
17Lozada Zuniga AndresMET0U18
18Pena Escobar Cristian CamiloMET0U18
19Rey Moreno Brayan stivenMET0U18