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(Desempat 1 Rapides) Campionat Individual Absolut de Catalunya 2012

Last update 19.05.2012 15:44:06, Creator/Last Upload: Sergio las Heras Flo

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Starting rank list

1GMNarciso Dublan MarcESP2541BARBERA
2GMAlsina Leal DanielESP2540BARCELONA UGA
3IMAlonso Rosell AlvarESP2510COLON SABADELL
4GMLopez Martinez Josep ManuelESP2506COLON SABADELL
5IMFluvia Poyatos JoanESP2490BARCELONA UGA
6IMMunoz Pantoja MiguelESP2484TERRASSA
7IMAsis Gargatagli HipolitoESP2473BARCELONA UGA
8IMPerez Mitjans OrelvisESP2471MONTCADA
9IMFluvia Poyatos JordiESP2467BARCELONA UGA
10FMSanchez Ibern MarcESP2359FOMENT
11FMMartinez Ramirez ErikESP2296MONTCADA
12cmMonell Camarasa DavidAND2260ANDORRA
13cmFarran Martos JosepESP2210TARRAGONA
14cmLacasta Palacio JoaquimESP2177MARTORELL
15cmMundet Riera JaumeESP2173GERUNDA
16Ruiz Font ElisabetESP2041VILAFRANCA