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"Padna 2023 - Ekipni turnir"

Last update 02.03.2023 11:22:04, Creator/Last Upload: Andi130

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Team-Composition with round-results

  1. Rimex Ilirska Bistrica (RtgAvg:2129, TB1: 10 / TB2: 11,5)
1FMBeletič, Danijel2315SLO146027091111441883
2MRaspor, Gregor2011SLO146035601½113,541439
3MKŠajn, Simon2061SLO146103701111441000
  2. Piran (RtgAvg:1819, TB1: 8 / TB2: 8,5)
1Brecevic, Liam2366SLO146175101010241870
2Suc, Timothy2091SLO146016481½113,541419
3Stevanovic, Jovan0SLO146344651011341265
  3. Koper (RtgAvg:1367, TB1: 6 / TB2: 5)
1MKBrečevič, Vladko2100SLO146031441010241937
2Goja, Matias0SLO146611361000141692
3Mlekuž, Marko0SLO146536481010241265
  4. Izola (RtgAvg:1226, TB1: 4 / TB2: 3)
1IIVidic, Marjan1553SLO146123640011242073
2Prodan, Eva1125SLO146498370000041661
3Prodan, Martin0SLO146517340001141265
  5. Sv. Peter (RtgAvg:1351, TB1: 2 / TB2: 2)
1Forte, Janez1512SLO146514830000042084
2Ploc, Albert1540SLO146080810011241557
3Majdič, Rupert0SLO146523230000041265