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63e Open Mensuel d'Echecs de Lomé (OMEL 63)

Last update 01.03.2023 08:26:02, Creator/Last Upload: Togo Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Egbe, Kossi Thierry21201510TOG1736
2Amewounou, Komlan Kouessan21200017TOG1705
3Ajavon, Ayayi Jean Le Clair21200394TOG1572
4Neglo, Yaovi Dodji21200050TOG1562
5Botsoe, Koffi21200025TOG1548
6Semeko, Lumen Paco21204160TOG1610
7Assagba, Kodjo Mawuli21200211TOG1406
8Oyenga, Justine Anassika21204420TOG1197
9Perezi, Edna Firmin21204241TOG1257
10Ndjelle, Abby Edah21200084TOG1156
11Amediame, Jacques21204667TOG0
12Botsoe, Sitsofe Clever-Bright21204853TOG0
13Botsoe, Daniel Xolali Faith21201501TOG0
14Botsoe, Jean-Philippe21202494TOG0
15Botsoe, Praise21204870TOG0
16Botsoe, Precious21204861TOG0
17Kabiya, A. Richard21204217TOG0
18Thomas, Karyah22600108LBR1722
19Ndjelle-Abby, Loic Gnimdou21204888TOG1156
20Okoro, Aderemi Bankole Mubarak21200483TOG0
21Talate, Alassane A.21200505TOG0
22Tuyizere, Benoit21204845TOG0