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Last update 11.02.2023 10:38:22, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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Starting rank

1CMMafnas, Peter31000509GUM2000
2Soriano, Rudolph P.31000142GUM1821
3Santos, Almer31000398GUM1787
4Lujan, Steven Tererence31001890GUM1780
5Szekely, Zoltan31000428GUM1642
6Pinaula, Benny31000134GUM1321
7Ramas, Carmina Jasmine31001548GUM1233
8Espinoza, Mario31000681GUM0
9Fiscal, Nestor31001211GUM0
10Justo, James31002544GUM0
11Justo, James Brian31002714GUM0
12Kim, Junesun31001661GUM0
13Lu, Albert31001955GUM0
14Lu, Mira31001947GUM0
15Tran, Tuan An31002706GUM0
16Cedeno, Antonio31000240GUM1777