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Last update 11.02.2023 23:12:06, Creator/Last Upload: LCF_National

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Starting rank

1CMAnthony Waylea, Jr.22600302LBR2018
2FMBarcon, Harmon22600078LBR2008
3Joel, O. Ebiekuta22600671LBR1974
4Thomas, Saah22600094LBR1949
5David, Leroy Debblay22600876LBR1944
6Kennedy, Zinnah Kengo22600647LBR1915
7CMJohn, Jallah22600140LBR1901
8Charles, Haji Kiadii22600159LBR1892
9James, Tondo22600132LBR1889
10FMJacob, Jallah22600124LBR1857
11CMDaniel, Kolliemelen22600086LBR1852
12Martin, Dunbar22600892LBR1849
13Foday, W. Kondoh22600167LBR1840
14Harold, Evans22600744LBR1833
15Jerrus, Diggs22600795LBR1833
16CMAbraham, Kalokoh22600264LBR1832
17Alfred, J. Kollie22600515LBR1801
18Miller, Moore22600736LBR1784
19Emmanuel, Tarr22600752LBR1778
20Abigail, Karyah22601147LBR1723
21James, Sorsor22600760LBR1703
22Samuel, Williams22601368LBR1698
23James, Bedell22600590LBR1634
24Monyou, N. Johnwaye22600540LBR1610
25Archie, Dayea22601244LBR1533
26Meleh, N. Davis22601180LBR1328
27Princess, K. Banney22601201LBR1079
28Friday, Jackson22600698LBR0
29Cornelius, K. Wreh22601090LBR1797