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Prague International Chess Festival 2023 - D - KAREL JANEČEK OPEN TOURNAMENT

Last update 30.06.2023 16:53:40, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Player overview for EST

30IMNarva Mai2387EST1½½1111017121010,30Open
296Shadrina Eva1619EST000011010330240-58,40Open

Results of the last round for EST

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
IMNarva MaiEST23876 1 - 06 GMPetrov MarianBUL2454
Shadrina EvaEST16193 0 - 13 WCMKostecka MarikaPOL1864

Player details for EST

IM Narva Mai 2387 EST Rp:2464 Pts. 7
1195CMNissinen Niilo Man1958HKG4w 1100,80
2120CMOcelak Jakub2158CZE5s ½10-2,90
3126Herega Nejc2142SLO4,5w ½10-3,00
4130Van den Bersselaar Jeroen2136NED4,5s 1101,90
589Seitz Patrick2208GER5w 1102,70
693Hak David2203CZE6w 1102,60
78IMSokolovsky Yahli2464ISR6s 1106,10
87GMSengupta Deep2473IND7s 010-3,80
99GMPetrov Marian2454BUL6w 1105,90
Shadrina Eva 1619 EST Rp:1462 Pts. 3
1129WFMKatkov Michelle2138ISR4,5s 040-3,20
2208McKay Jonathan1939SCO3,5w 040-5,20
3230Tesar Jakub1888CZE4s 040-6,80
4321Dubsky Lukas1353CZE2w 040-32,80
5326Kraus Petr1182CZE1s 1403,20
6335Nazarov Tofig0AZE1- 1K
7237Schmitt Carsten1875GER3,5w 040-7,60
8333Goncalves Fernando0CZE2s 1
9241WCMKostecka Marika1864POL4w 040-8,00