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Prague International Chess Festival 2023 - D - KAREL JANEČEK OPEN TOURNAMENT

Last update 30.06.2023 16:53:40, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Player overview for AUT

2FMBALINT Peter2233AUT½01102,5420-7,80Futures
20FMPeyrer Konstantin2411AUT111½101½179108,40Open

Results of the last round for AUT

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
FMPeyrer KonstantinAUT24116 1 - 06 FMPasti AronHUN2335
BOUSKA JiriCZE2189 1 - 0 FMBALINT PeterAUT2233

Player details for AUT

FM Peyrer Konstantin 2411 AUT Rp:2478 Pts. 7
1185Holub Adam1983CZE4w 1100,80
2108Ponnio Toni2178FIN4,5s 1102,10
377CMLohia Sohum2247ENG6w 1102,80
466Chubakov Sultan2267KGZ5s ½10-1,90
581WIMYao Lan2242ENG5,5w 1102,80
61GMPlat Vojtech2516CZE7,5w 010-3,60
754FMSherman Reem2294ISR6s 1103,40
869FMAntova Gabriela2259BUL6s ½10-2,00
945FMPasti Aron2335HUN6w 1104,00
FM BALINT Peter 2233 AUT Rp:2174 Pts. 2,5
15FMCIESLAK Patryk2280POL4w ½201,40
21FMWARCHOL Kamil2082POL2,5s 020-14,00
36JUHANAK Daniel2137CZE0,5w 1207,40
43BROZKA Karel2180CZE2w 1208,60
54BOUSKA Jiri2189CZE3,5s 020-11,20