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Winners of the Pre Quarter Finals

The 4th Sri Lanka Youth Chess Grand Prix 2023 - Quarter Finals

Last update 09.02.2023 07:39:54, Creator/Last Upload: Tharindu Weerasekara

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Starting rank

1Gunawardhana, Devindya Oshini29941482SRI1582w
2Senevirathne, D C B K9982116SRI1470
3Sathsindu, W M Minura29946239SRI1432
4AFMRathnayake, R M Dulinma Hemalni29953707SRI1353w
5Nanayakkara, Sanuk29974887SRI1291
6Bimansa, D G Jayandi29946697SRI1254w
7Jayasundara, J M Theruni V9998748SRI1173w
8Wijerathna, Vinuka Dihain29981905SRI1142